Yeppoon & Great Keppel

Did a day trip over to Great Keppel. It has been raining off and on since we arrived in Yeppoon so we were lucky that the rain held off for our day trip. This is the first decent rain we have had since we left in August.

Everywhere we have been there is a terrible history of how the Aborigines were treated. Great Keppel was no different. Apparently in 1866 a guy called Robert Ross arrived in Great Keppel and began to ‘prepare’ the island as a cattle property by driving 84 indigenous people into a cave and murdered them. In 1882 he acquired secure tenure for Great Keppel!


Great Keppel was lovely with pristine beaches, we walked to Long Beach. Monkey Beach and back to Fisherman’s Beach. It was a very steep rocky climb from Long Beach with ‘Dangerous Path’ signs everywhere. You would think they would have that on the map so that we would know before starting! It was a bit of a workout, was glad to jump in the water. Sea was lovely and clear but much cooler than we have had. Had a picnic on the beach before returning on the ferry to Rosslyn Bay. The marina at Rosslyn Bay is huge and very popular the place was extremely busy.