Wilsons Promontory

Stayed at Yanakie a campsite near to Wilsons Promontory National Park. Saw my first live wombat in the wild, unfortunately the first two were dead at the side of the road. We walked to the South Point the most southern point of mainland Australia. It was all through the national park and it was a 30km round trip. We had to carry in our food and water for the day. The walk down was not too bad the first 3kms were down hill. We stashed some of our water in various places so we could pick up on the return journey. Stopped off at Telegraph Station and then at Roaring Meg’s. The track from Roaring Meg’s to South Point was a single track with a few little creeks and boulders to cross. The view was well worth the journey. Really lovely red stained rocks. The return journey was much harder especially the last 3kms up hill which was a killer. We didn’t stop from Roaring Meg’s back as I was convinced if I sat down I would seize up completely. We completed the 30kms in 7 hours and 30 mins. Not bad, I was happy with the time.

That evening and the next day I was walking around like 90 year old. I was very stiff.