Litchfield National Park

Wangi Falls
Wangi Falls
Sandy Creek Falls
Sandy Creek Falls
Massive Termite Mounds
The Lost City
The Lost City
The Lost City
Florence Falls
Florence Falls
Buley Rockhole

Great national park with lots of swimming holes and waterfalls. The park is 1500 sq kilometres. The landscape is dry and arid as you approach and then you enter Litchfield and it’s like a tropical monsoon forest.

We went to Wangi Falls which were lovely and very refreshing but busy as buses can easily pull in here. We then decided to drive to Sandy Creek Falls little did we know that there were a few water crossings one of which was half a meter deep and went for longer than I would have liked. I like to be able to see the end of the crossing but here you could not, so you have to trust that you can get through with no mishaps. I would not be getting out if we got stuck as it was in crocodile country. It was well worth it when we got to Sandy Creek Falls. The 1.9 km very rocky walk keeps people away and there were only 2 other people there. We also went to Florence Falls which was lovely but crowded. This one had 135 steps to go down to the waterhole. My favourite was the Buley Rockholes which was a series of rockpools, some of which were very deep, with small falls from one pool to the other. Simon of course had to try and slide down the falls from one waterhole to the next. He very nearly lost his swimming shorts with the force of the water in one of them.

Lots of termite mounds over 2 metres tall in this park. We visited the Lost City which looks like the ruins of some lost civilisation but is merely a fomation of sandstone blocks and majestic pillars formed and weathered by the elements.

Loved Litchfield.