
Visited the killer whale museum and heard the story of ‘Old Tom’ the orca. Apparently between 1890-1930 the killer whales would herd the Baleen whales into Two Fold Bay. The pod was known as the ‘Killers of Eden’. Once the pod had them trapped a few orcas would swim to the whaling station and alert the fishermen. The fishermen would launch their boats and follow the orcas to where they had trapped the baleen whales. They would kill the whales and give the lips and tongues to the orcas, which is the only part they eat. The blubber was made into whale oil. This relationship lasted 30-40 years up until Old Tom died and the rest of the pod dispersed. The remains of Old Tom are on display at the museum. Hard to believe they worked with the fishermen but there is a whole museum dedicated to the story.

Had a game of golf at Eden golf course I would not be exaggerating to say there were hundreds of kangaroos on the course. A bit unnerving when your ball lands in the middle of them. Some of these male kangaroos are pretty big and a bit scary.