
Ulverstone Our last days in Tasmania spent here, lovely beach walks. They have this very weird clock tower in the middle of the town which was built by Slovenian migrants it was opened in 1954. Each column represents the Army, Navy and Air Force. Above it is an eternal flame that glows red each evening. […]


Penguin This was my favorite town on the north coast of Tasmania. Obviously named after the penguins that come ashore here and they have a big penguin visitor centre. I liked the quaint shops the penguin bollards, the giant penguin, the beach and the street library that was a Dr Who box. Simon liked the […]

Edge of the World – Arthur River

Edge of the World – Arthur River Drove to ‘The Edge of the World’ which is the coastline near Arthur River. Very dramatic shoreline with a very rough sea. Great scenery. Stopped off at Trowutta Arch on the way back. Previous Next


Stanley Stayed in Stanley for 5 days. We are right on the beach and penguins come ashore at night. They are ‘Little Penguins’ or ‘Fairy Penguins’ they are the smallest breed of penguins. We saw about 80 come ashore and it is the off season. They come ashore once it gets dark and you can […]

Rosebery & Strahan

Rosebery & Strahan Stayed at the Rosebery golf course for two nights. The golf course is 9 holes and is the steepest golf course in Tasmania. Went on a day trip to Strahan to go on the Wilderness Railway. Obviously Simon was in his element as we were one on a train, two we had […]

Cradle Mountain

Cradle Mountain Pink Robin My new favourite place. Absolutely stunning scenery. We are staying in the Discovery Holiday Park opposite the visitor centre where you catch the shuttle bus into the national park. Did the walk around Dove Lake which is amazing. Walked back to Ronny Creek and saw multiple wombats and one with a […]

Launceston – Paul’s 60th birthday celebrations

Launceston – Paul’s 60th birthday Simon has been looking forward to this for months. We are staying at the Country Club Tasmania in Launceston for Paul Miller’s 60th birthday. Paul, Dani, Kieran, Maureen, Dave and Caitlin are all flying in for a long weekend. Our room is huge you could fit our whole caravan into the […]


Bridport Stayed in the caravan site on the foreshore. Really nice but again empty. I did the circuit walk which was agreat walk through the forest and out at Adams Beach and along the coast. Another very  cute little town but apparently it gets extremely busy in summer. They have a great set up with […]

Swimcart Beach

Swimcart Beach Drone by Simon Hoadley The Gardens Absolute water front free camp. Met up with friends we were with in Coles Bay and made some new ones.  Simon and I both went for a swim in the sea. It was very cold but it was such a lovely day and so tempting. Absolutely unheard […]

St Helens

St Helens Great rock lobster wholesaler here, so we had to get another one and more oysters from Lease 65. St Helens has lots of great shops both food and gift shops. I could easily spend a fortune but being in the caravan really slows down your spending because there is only so much that […]