
Winton Long Waterhole We free camped at the Long Waterhole a few kilometres outside Winton. A lovely spot on a waterhole with lots of birds and cows wandering about. There are sometimes emus but we didn’t see any. Winton is a very pretty town with nice architecture. There is an open air cinema which you […]

Walkabout Creek Hotel, McKinlay

Walkabout Creek Hotel, McKinlay Had to stop at the Walk About Creek for a night just to see where they filmed Crocodile Dundee. The Never Never Tour bus is still outside and it looks very much the same as the movie. We parked out the back for the night where they have a camp kitchen […]

Mary Kathleen

Mary Kathleen Mary Kathleen is an abandoned uranium mine and ghost town. I had seen so many photos of the mine and abandoned township we really had to stop on our way through to McKinlay. We decided to unhook the van and leave it in the abandoned town. You can still see the streets and […]

Mount Isa

Mount Isa Hard Times Mine The ‘Crib’ room The Granite The Granite Isla and us Lake Moondarra Mount Isa Mine Driving towards Mount Isa from Boulia was lovely lots of wild flowers and amazing red rocks everywhere. You get to the outskirts of Mount Isa and you see three massive chimneys and the mines are right […]


Boulia Min Min Encounter Abby Burke River Driving from Bedourie to Boulia you go pass the rare Waddi trees  – they only grow in three places in Australia. On the fringe of the Simpson desert in Queensland and Northern Territory and a stand just north of Boulia. They grow up to 10m and can live for […]


Bedourie Golf green Golf fairway Windscreen repair Artesian bath 38C The drive from Birdsville to Bedourie was the best so far, brilliant so beautiful. They had lots of rain through here a couple of months ago and there is still plenty of water about. The wild flowers were all blooming and I have never seen […]


Birdsville On leaving Betoota on a very rough dirt road we passed not 1 but 4 Porsches, two of which were very sporty models. I have since found out they were electric vehicles being tested by Porsche and they stopped at Betoota pub! Arrived in Birdsville in time for lunch it was blowing a gale […]


Betoota Set off to Betoota via Windorah where we stopped for lunch.There seems to be plenty of work everywhere we go. The Windorah pub is run by two guys from Ecuador. This is their second season. I think they open up when the caravanners are coming through and then when the wet season arrives everything […]

The Lakes, Quilpe

The Lakes, Quilpe The Lakes is an 2,500 acre outback station running Merino sheep, beef cattle and Kalahari red goats. It is on the edge of Lake Houdraman. This campsite set up was excellent. They have each site separated with native trees and a ‘Lakeview pub’ which is what they call their bar. At 5pm […]

The Cosmos Centre, Charleville

The Cosmos Centre, Charleville Stayed at the CMCA bush camp (Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia) just on the outskirts of Charleville. Charleville has quite a few attractions including the Cosmos Centre, WWII secret base and the Bilby Experience. WWII secret base – apparently between 1942-1946 there was a secret US Army Air Force base […]