Welcome to our page. I am Daz Davies and hubby is Simon Hoadley we have taken the plunge to caravan around Australia.

Simon is in IT and will be working 3 days a week, thanks to having Starlink. On the days Simon works Mon, Tue, Wed we will stay in one place and then move on his days off. I will be the cook, bottle washer, researcher planner and blogger! We will be sharing the driving 50:50.

When we started August 2023 we were completely new to caravanning, our experience before this trip was limited to a few short local trips plus one trip to Victoria. We had never done any 4 wheel driving with or without a caravan so this was a steep learning curve.

We completed a lap of Queensland by December 2023 and in February 2024 we went south and do the rest of Australia.

We are towing a 16’2″ Van Cruiser  X Machine off road caravan. Our tow vehicle is a Toyota Hilux SR5.

If you had to put us in a basket when we started it would have been “All the gear no idea” but now we both have a pretty good idea of what we are doing and know our van inside out.