Bungle Bungles

The Window
The Window
Cathedral Gorge, Where's Daz?
Cathedral Gorge
Where's Simon?

Visiting the Bungle Bungles is not for the faint hearted. For a start they are in the middle of nowhere, over 1100 kms from Darwin and 900 kms from Broome. Once you get to where you turn off the main road to go into the Purnululu National Park there is a car park to unhitch your vans. It’s 4WD only. You then drive 53 kms to get to the visitor centre which is an unsealed corrugated road with at least 8 water crossings. It takes 2 hours due to the state of the roads. Once you get to the visitor centre you think yes we are here but no they tell you its another 19kms which takes another 45 mins. You then arrive at Picannini and from there its a 7.5km return walk to see the Window, Cathedral Gorge and the Domes. It’s  winter and its 34C and the only shade is in the Cathedral Gorge. Was it worth it? Absolutely probably one of the most amazing places I have ever visited in my life.

The size of them and the colour are spectacular. There are massive grooves carved into the rock on the river bed by the sheer force of the water that comes through here in the wet season. It would be an amazing sight to see but the park is closed from 1st November onwards and even if it was open you would never get across all the water crossings. One of the highlights of the trip so far.