
Bitter Springs
Bitter Springs
Nathan 'Whippy'Griggs

What a great place. There are two hot thermal springs here. One was at the homestead set in amongst the trees but they had built stone walls and steps so more like a long swimming pool with a current running through it. The temperature was around 37C,  very relaxing. Bitter Springs was on the other side of the town and this was a much more natural setting for the hot spring. You got in one end with your pool noodle and the current carried you very slowly down stream around the bends and under fallen trees until you could get out about 15 mins later and walk back which took about 3 mins. The water is crystal clear and almost aqua in colour. A very nice experience. They say that freshwater crocodiles can inhabit the area but we didn’t see any.

In the evening we went to the Mataranka showgrounds to watch Nathan ‘Whippy’ Griggs perform. He holds the world record for 697 whipcracks in one minute using 2 whips!. It was a great show, he is quite a character.  Back Roads were filming, so you never know we might be on TV.