Scotland Island

Left the caravan for three days and went across to Scotland Island where our friends Mel and Mike live. Stayed one night at their house before setting off on our camping adventure.  We had a very full boat as we set off up the Hawkesbury River. We camped in the Mara Mara National Park at Gentleman’s Halt. A bush camp, no water you had to bring it all in but it did have a drop toilet. Set up our tents and went off for a walk to the salt marsh where there was lots of samphire growing and an old stone jetty. Climbed to the highest point which was approximately one kilometre up a really good workout with some beautiful caves. I wasn’t so keen coming down as I don’t like heights and there was a lot of loose stones. Simon was in his element with a camp fire. Lots of monitor lizards here so you had to make sure all the food was locked away as they would investigate.

If you want a good read Mel has just written a book called ‘The Lucky Ones’ a story of Australian refugee journeys.  Very moving accounts of their journeys to Australia, if this book doesn’t make you feel empathy towards refugees then nothing will. Available at many bookshops or