The Australian Chocolate Farm - Shannonvale

If you want to visit a chocolate farm then this is the one. Multiple awards for the chocolate including a silver in a world competition. It is run by a lovely couple Jenny and Darryl. Jenny does the chocolate tours and Darryl is the chocolate maker. They have a small café and shop and you can just pop in or you can book onto the tour. I opted to do the tour as I knew nothing of the chocolate making process. It was fascinating how they started up and their learning process. They planted their first cocoa trees 15 year ago and all they had was a paper booklet from the government on how to grow it! What a challenge.


Jenny took us through their history and then we go to walk amongst the trees. I was amazed how tiny the flowers are and that they just pop out on the trunk. The fruit can also pop out anywhere on the trunk or branches.  We then went off to a tent where Jenny cut one open and we got to taste the white pulp that covers the bean it was very creamy and tasted of citrus. All the beans are attached to a placenta and when you cut the bean itself open it’s purple. She then took us through the entire process. I won’t go through it all or you will not need to visit. To finish off you get a tasting prepared by Darryl back at the café. A wonderful way to spend a few hours.