
Golf green
Golf fairway
Windscreen repair
Artesian bath 38C

The drive from Birdsville to Bedourie was the best so far, brilliant so beautiful. They had lots of rain through here a couple of months ago and there is still plenty of water about. The wild flowers were all blooming and I have never seen so many birds. The number of kestrels, kites and swallows. I am used to seeing a kite now and again but to see in excess of 20 in one place was amazing and they were just swooping all around.

We stopped at Cuttaburra Crossing which is on a river and did some bird watching so many pelicans and brolgas. I could have stayed there all day watching them. Some people were camped along the riverside.

We then unfortunately had a stone flick up and put a bullseye on our windscreen, this is why they tell you to slow down when passing other vehicles. We did, they didn’t!

In Bedourie we stayed in the council run caravan park which gives you use of the pool and artesian spring next door and you can use it as many times as you want for $10. The artesian pool was around 40C degrees and it took Simon a good 10 mins to get into it every time whereas I love hot baths so it was not an issue.

Went to the pub for a drink to check it out. They had no beer that Simon liked so we decided on Gin and Tonics but they had no tonic either! The landlord had gone off to get some in Mt Isa, that’s 5.5 hours or 500kms away. Obviously that was going to be too long a wait so headed back to the van to make our own.

We are staying here for the next three days, I am trying to get to grips with setting up the website for this blog.

We looked in the back of the ute today after travelling on the unsealed road and it is full of red dust, everything is covered in a thick layer of red dust. The caravan itself has hardly any but we were turning on the pressurisation in the cabin on the unsealed roads to keep the dust out. It obviously works. I would hate to have that much dust in the van. Simon spent a few hours cleaning everything and hosing it down.

Ended up having about three baths and a swim every day. What a lovely facility to have next to the campsite