
On leaving Betoota on a very rough dirt road we passed not 1 but 4 Porsches, two of which were very sporty models. I have since found out they were electric vehicles being tested by Porsche and they stopped at Betoota pub!

Arrived in Birdsville in time for lunch it was blowing a gale and there was sand blasting us on all sides. I felt as if I had a free exfoliation. Birdsville was empty but that will change dramatically in the next few weeks as people start rolling in for the races. Passed the Birdsville race track and headed on to the famous Birdsville Bakery. I had heard so much about this place that we had to go there for lunch. What a disappointment it’s the only bakery I have ever been to that doesn’t sell fresh bread. You could only buy frozen! They are known for their pies, especially the camel pies. Simon was not game enough to try one so he opted for the steak and I had a veggie pasty.
Very pricey.

The caravan site where we were meant to stay at was very open and exposed and with all the sand being blown around we were not keen to stay. So the decision was made to plough on to Bedourie instead. Glad we did. I think Birdsville is our least favourite place so far but we might have been out off by all the sand blasting, it was very windy.